My Budo journey began in Karate-Do under Soke Masaharu Sakimukai, my father, in January 1973, when I enrolled at the Chintokan Makurazaki Dojo in Kagoshima, Japan - one of more intense dojo(s) in the 70s. My first two years were three classes per week.  When we moved to Kagoshima city in 1975, my father began teaching at three dojo(s) weekly.  As a result, from 1975 to 1980, we trained at Makurazaki, Kaseda and Kagoshima dojo(s) in rotation, every day except Sunday.  Then in 1980, after my father had visited twice on his own, our family of four moved to America.

After experiencing massive culture shock moving to Newark, Delaware, I really began to understand and appreciate Karate-Do.  I realized just how much my father's teachings aided me in settling comfortably after that initial culture shock into our new and strange habitat.

I have also received some training from sensei(s) that were my father's peers, senpai(s) and teacher from both Okinawa and Japan.  My Shodan thru 6 Dan (1984~2012) in both Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo and Mugai Ryu Iaihyodo are from Soke Hosho Shiokawa.  He also taught me Shito Ryu Karate-Do.  Additionally, though I only received a couple of lessons, I would like to honor Soke Shogo Kuniba, as he was an exceptional Budo-Ka, teacher as well as great friend to my father.  Soke Shogo Kuniba's father, Kosei Kokuba along with Ryu So Kenwa Mabuni were Soke Hosho Shiokawa's Karate masters. 

In 2008, I was promoted to So Shihan, Chief Instructor and Examiner by my father, along with representing Soke Hosho Shiokawa in the US for the next six years until he passed away in 2014.  In 2010, I have received my last promotion from my father, 7 Dan and Kyoshi in Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate-Do.

I am sure they are all in the "After Life Dojo" training! 



Jacksonville Beach, FL 1992


1973  - Entered in Karate-Do life at Makurazaki Dojo, Japan

1979  - Began 6 Shaku Bo training

1982  - Entered in Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo life

1984  - Entered in Iaido life
          - Received Shodan in Karate-Do;
          - Member of AAU/USA Jr. National Karate Team

1985  - Received Shodan in Jodo (ZNKR)

1987  - Received Karate-Do Shidoin and began teaching at YWCA, DE

1988  - Received Shodan in Iaido
          - Started YMCA Chintokan Club in Wilm, DE
          - Started YMCA Chintokan Club in Stanton, DE

1989 - Began Sai training

1991 - Promoted to "Shihan-dai" in Karate-Do & Okinawa Kobudo
          - Appointed as Chief Instructor to the US Honbu in Delaware



Hatsume Fair 2014
Delray Beach, FL

1992 - Member of USA National Karate Kata Team (@ US Olympic Ctr)

1996 - Karate-Do "Shihan Menjo"

2002 - Beikoku Jodo and Kenbukan Iaido "Shihan"
          - Karate-Do "Renshi"
          - Began Tonfa training

2007 - Received "Renshi" in Jodo and Iaido

2008 - Received "So Shihan"

2010 - Received 7 Dan and "Kyoshi" in Karate-Do

2012 - Received my last advancement from Soke Shiokawa,
         - 6 Dan in Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo & Mugai Ryu Iaiheido
         - Organized the US Chintokai Japan Budo Tour III

2014 - All India Chintokan Karate-Do Federation HQ visit in Pollachi
         - Introduced Shindo Muso Ryu Jojutsu in Pollachi, India

2015 - Tonfa at Bunbukan dojo @ Okinawa, Hanshi & Kyoshi Nakamoto
          - Organized the US Chintokai Japan Budo Tour IV

2016 - Tonfa & Bo at Bunbukan dojo @ Okinawa, Hanshi & Kyoshi Nakamoto
          - 1st So Budo Kai Shihan Gasshuku at New Hampshire & Maine

2017 - All India Chintokan Karate-Do Championships visit in Chennai 

2018 - Received 8 Dan in Karate-Do